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'Cry, Mother Spain' by Lydie Salvayre
This week, French literature meets Spanish history thanks to flamboyant writer Lydie Salvayre! Cry Mother Spain, beautifully translated...

Who is Jean-Philippe Toussaint?
Belgian writer, photographer and filmmaker, Jean-Philippe Toussaint is a creative mind never running out of ideas. His website reflects...

Who is Maylis de Kerangal?
If fiction in translation is up your street, you must have read (about) Maylis de Karengal. Her epic yet intimate prose, brilliantly...

Confessions of a Madman by Leïla Sebbar
Today, we'd like to present you a small book containing a powerful story: Confessions of a Madman, by Leïla Sebbar. Published in France...

'I write, you write, he writes… I read, you read, he reads…'
I write, you write, he writes… I read, you read, he reads… " Talking about ‘littérature engagée’ is out of date! We all have, at some...
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