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PLEASE NOTE: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS With a sort of trepidation, I have next to my computer keyboard a copy of the Penguin Book of...

Enard- an exercise in the macabre? The cruelty of December was assaulting the humdrum streets of South Kensington, the borough’s chilled,...

Art - passion or poison?
In his novel, The Masterpiece’, (in French, ‘L’Oeuvre’), Emile Zola- still seeming, as we look at him today, to brim over with courage...

Dephine Through the Looking Glass
The Author as Victim - or Carnivorous Narcissist? The prose style of Delphine de Vigan may not positively glitter, may not speak to our...

A Day with Rimbaud in the Médiathèque
His books ripen on the shelves, Fruit boasting their own sorts of juices, Despite, to the touch, being dry paper... I seem to drink in...

Something Sweet or Something Sinister? Emmanuelle Pagano and ‘Nouons-nous’
The English version of the title of this book is ‘Trystings’; the literal translation is ‘Let us Intertwine’. The book is an analysis- a...

Rue des Voleurs - maybe something sinister within?
‘Rue Des Voleurs’ is about an old theme and a new theme. The old theme is French ‘Orientalism’, the fascination of the French for the...

Delphine de Vigan: Mental illness, the middle class… and how much is a mask?
It was mid- March. Winter, that season encapsulating darkness and misery, continued perhaps its malign grip on London, but there seemed...

The End of Eddy: The complexity of intolerance
It was February the sixteenth in South Kensington, only a short while after Valentine’s Day, and maybe wisps still remained of the...

Lydie Salvayre: Into the Rawness of the Psyche
It was January 16, 2017, and we were in the pit of winter. The huge buildings of South Kensington- the Museums, the high terraced...
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