Special events for schools, South Ken Kids Festival 2015
The South Ken Kids Festival returns to the French Institute for its 18th edition from the 16th to 22nd November! The festival is no longer only South Ken as last year we worked with more than 33 schools from all over London! From nurseries to secondary schools we are looking forward to meeting some of you again this year and seeing some fresh faces.
Our aim is to give children unforgettable experiences of the world of book-making, story-writing and illustration by:
• Bringing renowned artists into classrooms for special workshops • Hosting specially tailored events for schools at the Institut français (talks, free film and meeting the author) • Organising a nationwide picture book competition with a chance to win amazing prizes.
Download below the full school programme :
Registration deadlines :
Monday 21st September 2015: Please send us your choice of workshops in schools and/or activities at the Institut français. You can do so by filling in the booking form (one per school) and sending it to Rebecca Infield at skkf@institutfrancais.org.uk. We are sorry but no request will be taken into account without the form. Friday 2nd October 2015: Once forms have been examined, we will confirm your workshop allocation and dates.