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Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Messieurs! Roll up to see snap shots of the enticing Isabella Rossellini visiting the Institut français.

When have you ever heard Isabella Rossellini, Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock in the same sentence? Well, if you're a Film Studies student, the answer is EVERYDAY. If you're not a film studies student then...shame on you. Only joking! Not really, Film Studies is great, better than biology anyway!

'How are they all linked?' I hear you cry! Well Isabella Rossellini (Blue Velvet - no, not the Lana Del Rey song...) is the daughter of Ingrid Bergman (Casablanca) who starred in over 50 films, including Hitchcock's Spellbound. Tah-dah.

That's all gravy, but where's the French part? Let's make this short and sweet, as if you were cramming for a Film Studies exam: Rossellini worked with French filmmaker and screenwriter Jean-Claude Carrière. Bergman starred in various French-related films such as Aimez-vous Brahms? (based on the novel by Françoise Sagan), and even encapsulated a French icon in Joan of Arc. Hitchcock directed two French films don't ya know: Bon Voyage and Aventure Malgache.

So this round off, Rossellini visited the Institut français on the 5th of September and presented Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock, "her favourite film featuring one of the greatest actresses of the 20th Century".

Isabella Rossellini

HE Ambassador Sylvie Bermann with Rossellini

Paul Ryan (translator) and Rossellini

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