Mosaïques 2015
The 15th edition of the Mosaïques Festival in London features cutting-edge contemporary music produced in France and beyond, including Maïa Barouh, Adnan Joubran and Simona Abdallah, as well as a DJ and a panel discussion on music making in the Arab world in the wake of the Arab spring.

Maïa Barouh (France/Japan) is a unique singer and flautist who sings using a special throat technique, mixing it with modern and electric sounds. Part of a new wave of Japanese artists deeply affected by the man-made catastrophe in Fukushima, Maïa offers a broad musical landscape where melancholy and madness inhabit percussive grooves, trance-like dance tunes and a cappella singing.
Adnan Joubran (Palestine/France) is a composer and oud player, a Palestine native best known as the youngest of three brothers in the well-respected and highly successful oud trio Le Trio Joubran. His first solo album, 2014’s ‘Behind Borders’, revealed him as a talented, thoughtful, genre-bending composer as well as an extremely gifted performer.
Simona Abdallah (Palestine/Denmark) is one of only a handful of women in the world who play the tablah, the hand-drum used by Middle-Eastern ensembles, and fuses rock, house and pop with Middle Eastern rhythm.
DJ Nick Luscombe, presenter of BBC Radio 3’s Late Junction and Monocle 24, will also be providing a selection of global beats.
The festival is produced by Arts Canteen and supported by Bureau Export (the French music export office). Click here to join in the fun on Facebook.