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Well, fancy that! A behind the scenes sneaky peaky insight to the (rather unaccessible) London Film Festival.

So you've marveled at the red carpet protest during 'Suffragette', you've gazed into Michael Fassbender's eyes on the cover of The Evening Standard and you've put a reminder on your phone to buy tickets for next year's London Film Festival.

Drown those empty hopes, and admire these snapshots by Damien.

"But what on earth has this got to do with French culture?!?!" I hear you cry. Come a little closer and I will tell you...

A bit closer...

Now take a deep breath (bossy, aren't I!)... the Ciné Lumière hosted a whole range of LFF films, of which Mads Mikkelsen came along to - y'know he played Stravinsky in Jan Kounen's French film Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2008).

Mikkelsen presented Men and Chicken which was initially shown during the Toronto International Film Festival. The population of French people in Toronto is 115,300 - a significant proportion some might say. And I bet you didn't know that in 1750, French traders founded 'Fort Rouillé' (a French trading post located in Toronto). Oh and Mikkelsen can also speak French.

Enough French-ness for you?

Well, here's a touch more:

Thomas Bidegain is a French screenwriter, producer and film director who presented his debut Les Cowboys - a film about this girl who wants to be a renowned chef...I'm kidding, it's about Cowboys. He also worked with that famous guy Jacques Audiard...come on, dig up that list of A-Level films: Rust and Bone (2012), A Prophet (2009), The Beat that my Heart Skipped (2005), and A Self Made Hero (1996).

Then (finally) there's Ellora Torchia who plays Shazhana in Les Cowboys. She can also tweet in French.

Enough rambling, here's what you've all been waiting for...

Just one more thing...follow the talented Damien on twitter, instagram and website.

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