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Let's just make a cup of tea (no milk), grab a hobnob and listen to the breaking news from LLB Promotion.

First up, we have a new video from OMOH...described by Rolling Stone as "la pop made in France d’aujourd’hui : légèreté, mélodie, poésie, et ce petit twist qui fait tout le charme d’OMOH"

(I don't think that needs translating - 4 out of 5 words are in English anyway...)

If you like the 80s style of Metronomy, and the guitar part of The Strokes 'I'll try anything once', then shake it up with French (clothes, hairstyle, parks) et voilà you have OMOH.

Go on, give them a like on Facebook.

Ready for the second one? Here we go!

Have a listen to Gisèle Pape (because she has an amazing voice). Imagine this: you're tired, the weekend is in sight, you have emails/paperwork/telephone calls staring at you like a moody child - the cure is to turn up 'Encore' via this soundcloud link and block out those final hours till pub time.

Oh and give a like on Facebook (pretty please).

The penultimate: two new vids from ALGO. Very Mumford & Sons/Beirut...very soothing and very watchable:

Last but not least, we have a concert in Paris tonight from the one and only OROUNI​. Big fan of this type of music, so you should be a big fan too. They also have rather delicious album covers. Oh and for all you Submarine fans out there, this video will tickle your pickle (featuring one slice of Thousand).

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Huge thanks to Laura for the tip-top tippy tips!

(you're probably sick of this, but follow LLB Promotion too)

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