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Top of the Pops - Culturethèque style

So, I managed to convince DJ Nico to dip his hands into our new music selection on Culturethèque.

I bet you didn't know that we've partnered up with 1D touch (nothing to do with One Direction) who offer over 50,000 artists to stream. Now you know.

Nico isn't actually a DJ, he's a librarian at the Institut français who specialises in the music section. In fact, he's not really going to take a liking to his new nickname.

Hey ho, the show must go on. Every so often, we're going to do a top 5 of what's hot (and maybe even what's not).

For those of you too young to remember Top of the Pops, then shame on you. Or should I say Top of the Electro-jazz / Electro-swing? - DJ Nico's theme for this week. Don't forget to sign up here before you start your musical adventure.

In at number five, we have Lyre le temps

They're pretty big on 'Back to the future' by the looks of their Instagram.

Knock at the door, at number four it's Nicolas Repac. Here's what his bio says: Repac makes jazz and world-influenced electronic music that incorporates his own guitar chops alongside samples of classic jazz and other sounds.


Grab a cup of tea for number three, Julien Lourau

Mix up Latin, African, Caribbean and European folk music for the Julien Lourau experience. According to Wikipedia, he's the son of René Lourau (French sociologist).

Oh so close to number one but didn't quite make it, Chapelier Fou

A one man band who loops violin and electro samples. Splendid stuff.

Drum roll for our winner...Caravan Palace A group who found eachother on Myspace (the good old days) and who's recent album is a face made out of symbols. Fancy that!

You can catch them playing in London, more info via French Music UK.

And to thank DJ Nico for his amazing selection:

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