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Top of the (French) Pops 4

Can you smell that? Well, there's chaos in the air as DJ Nico has chosen No Format this time round (I think he went for Coco Pops instead of muesli this morning).

(and I went for Ricicles by the looks of it)

DJ Nico has ripped up, maybe even shredded, the rule book by choosing a top SIX, opposed to the habitual five. The end is nigh my friends...

Alas, stop biting those finger nails because there is method in DJ Nico's madness. No Format is an independent record label who s'inscrit en réaction contre le formatage des goûts par l'industrie musicale; Laurent Bizot produit des artistes atypiques, souvent inclassables dans les catégories musicales habituelles et négligés par les majors (bit of French translation homework for ya).

If you can't be bothered to work those brain muscles, then I would use the Quality Street chocolate analogy - this record label laps up all the coconut éclairs: a well-known form with a surprise taste. If you've think I've lost the plot, then click here.

Let us begin (as Dumbledore would say)...

In at number six, we have Blick Bassy - Akö. This duel between the cello and the trombone provides better fuel for your ears than Stephanie Davis talking about Jeremy McConnell on Loose Women!

Expect blues, bossa nova and a sprinkle of soul.

Blick Bassy also has a somewhat manifesto approach to his writing, "The soul of my music isn’t so much in the words, it’s in the way of singing. In fact, the melody is a mould for the words."

Number five sounds like a French Marilyn Manson sitting in for the headline act at Ronnie Scott's. The first track of Le dogme des VI jours metaphorically spits in your face, whilst the second track strokes you like a cat. I am a fan, so that means you will be...after a couple of listens.

DJ Nico has been rather naughty, and not placed this record at the top spot. But I shall forgive him. Faya Dub unleashes World Wide Reggae, which gives me vibes from a band I saw in Brick Lane a couple of years ago...but I can't for the life of me remember their name so all this information is useless.

Anyhow, there are some great arabic/reggae crossovers so have a listen.

If you like the film 'Cotton Club' (starring a baby-faced Nicolas Cage), but also take a liking to a bit of hippin' and hoppin', then look no further than Identité en crescendo. It should have been the soundtrack to 'La Haine'...sorry Kassovitz. Rocé has a little dippin' in Mafia K-1 Fry and one of his records was released on Big Cheese Records. I like cheese, particularly Bleu d'Auvergne.

In runner up position, we've got Kangaba. Ideally, one should apply this music to rush-hour tube situations. Not only is it perfectly relaxing, but provides background music to the mundane people who hug around you and lean on the doors. Especially on the Northern Line, and the District in the weekends. P.S. Bassekou Kouyate played at The Proms.

Argh! There's more anticipation vibes than DiCaprio's overdue items at La Médiathèque....Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal pinch number 1 with Musique de Nuit. If you could transcribe a rainbow to music, or translate what goes on in a dream catcher, then it would sound like this. Nine titles of blissful music, and there's a cello (your humble narrator bigs up the violoncelle). Catch Sissoko and Segal in the UK here.

So there we have it, another selection of musical chocolates for your taste buds. I leave you (the audience), and DJ Nico (the disc jockey) with a little surprise. Legend has it that Top of the French Pops takes a liking to cat/dog/chicken Youtube videos.

I thought I would spice things up with a GIF of my cat listening to the Specials.

Yes sir!

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