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A Franco-British adaptation of Shakespeare’s masterpiece - Henry V by Antic Disposition

You know what? This year it’s the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death... and the ongoing centenary of the First World War! I know you’re about to ask me: what’s the point?

Let me explain.

A theatrical company - Antic Disposition - had a go at transposing Shakespeare masterpiece Henry V in the WWI context. Audacious mix. And even more so as they chose to play in...churches! But they did well in creating a captivating universe.

Let me introduce them. Award-winning company, Antic Disposition aims to play and unscramble stories, focusing on the works of Shakespeare, and their attachment to French culture. Most of their productions celebrate the rich and complex historical relationship between France and the United Kingdom.You can even go to see them across the Lot and Dordogne valleys in the southwest of France (but only in the summer when it’s sunny...)

Want to know more? Just click here

And here’s a teasing blurp on the play:

England’s idealistic army marches to war, certain of a swift and glorious victory. France proudly rallies to defend her borders from invasion. But as nations clash, it is the common soldiers who pay the ultimate price in the bloody mud of the battlefield.

Find more about Henry V by Shakespeare on Culturetheque

You want to plunge deeper into the shadows of Shakespeare’s literature? All you need is available here.

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