Have you heard of les Nuits Sonores?

Find out more: it’s an electronic and independent music festival that takes place each year when summer is coming! If you want to have 5 days and 5 nights of real fun… it’s the place to be!
Launched in 2003 by Arty Farty organisation, Nuits Sonores festival aims to promote the potential of the ‘Grand Lyon’ (urban community of Lyon) - the not well-known areas of this beautiful French city.
For several years, Nuits Sonores have tried to attract visitors from all the Europe with its qualitative underground line-ups. And it worked!
The festival puts an emphasis on French and International artists, up-and-coming as well as big names. Yeah, we can say it focuses on diversity, creativity and innovation. More than just a festival, Nuits Sonores creates a great emulation of ideas. People are encouraged to think about and experiment with culture, design, urbanism. It’s also the occasion to discuss political subjects such as Europe - a very debatable subject at present…
We hope that for this 14th edition - from May 4th to 8th - the light will once again spread all over Europe!
Just for you Culturetheque has made an EP selection directly from les Nuits Sonores line-up:

Want to have more? Register to your account and click on this link: http://bit.ly/1NmNTco
Our partner ID Touch made the Nuits Sonores 2016 selection!