Versus - The Life and and Films of Ken Loach

Congratulations to Ken Loach for winning the Palme d’Or at Cannes this year for his film I, Daniel Blake!
The prolific film director and all round political activist came to the French Institute following his sucess at Cannes to talk about Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach. The films made by Louise Osmond, who also attended the Institute, follows Loach’s career and focuses particularly on the making of I, Daniel Blake.
Loach mentions that Osmond making the film about him was like “having [his] portrait painted by a very famous artist.”
Osmond says that when they showed the film to Loach they were “more nervous than they had ever been.”
In this podcast, Loach gives us an insight into the ups and downs of his career including a failed film and some commercial work he had to resort to when he was struggling financially.
You can listen to the enterity of the interview with Ken Loach and with director Louise Osmond on Culturethèque here.
There are also a wide range of resources concerning the works of Ken Loach that you can access here.