FOCUS ON Valerian & Laureline
You are probably aware that Luc Besson's film Valerian and a City of Thousand Planets will soon be premiering in the UK. The film is an adaptation from the French space opera comics Valérian & Laureline. We are big comic (or BD) aficionados at Culturethèque, so what better opportunity than now to come back to the origins of this work and rediscover its hidden dimensions. Fellow fans will also rejoice upon learning that the author will be appearing at the Institut Français in September, for a talk and a Q&A alongside a screening of the movie.
The comics

The original medium is of course the sci-fi comic strip named Valerian spatio-temporal agent created by Pierre CHRISTIN (writer), Jean-Claude MEZIERE (illustrator) and Évelyne TRANLÉ (colourisation). It was introduced in 1967 in Pilote mag before being released in volumes by Dargaud Publishing in 1970. The comic series title was renamed for its fortieth birthday in 2007,Valerian and Laureline.

Valerian and her partner Laureline are spatio-temporal agents from the STS (Spatio-Temporal Service) of Galaxity, an earthy metropolis which is the capital of the Galactic Empire in the Twenty-eighth century. After a dark era, Earth became one of the greatest cosmic powers allowing the STS agents to travel trough space and time in the interests of Galaxity with strict rules that forbid altering the past.
Thus, our duo explore new planets (Birds of the Master vol.5), witness historical events (On the False Earth vol.7), help unknown peoples (Welcome to Alflolol vol.4) solve planetary conflicts (The Land Without Star vol.3) and act as Galaxity representatives (Ambassador of the Shadows). They could not prevent the nuclear explosion of 1986 that changed the shape and organisation of Earth but they rewrote Galaxity's future in preventing this catastrophe later. Alas, this highly delicate temporal intervention erased the future of their planet. In the last tetralogy, Valerian & Laureline try to find Earth to ensure its survival in an alternate future.

Valerian was born in Galaxity in the 28th century. He is part of STS and always follows his missions in good faith, believeing that their directives are usually for the greater good even if sometimes they go against his own morals. He appears to be strong and reliable in the beginning of the series but as the story progesses he becomes weak and reckless. He will be even more devastated than Laureline by the loss of Galaxity, his birthplace.
Profile: He is reminiscent of the typical American comicbook heros that contrast starkly with the 'boy scout' archetypes we encounter in the Franco-Belgian BD.

Laureline is a French peasant from the 11th century. She rescued Valerian in a forest but in doing so, uncovered his identity as a time traveler. Valerian is forced to take her with him where she will be trained at Galaxity as an STS agent. Little by little she will step outside of his shadow and will prove herself to be every bit his equal. Unlike him, she always acts according to her ethics even if it means standing up against Valerian or STS. She is impulsive but is always guided by a strong sense of justice.
Notes : Her name sounds like it comes from the European Middle Ages. She was meant only to be a minor character at the outset and was conceived originally as a plot device for the opening story. Her creators fell in love with her however, as to them she represented the anti-thesis of the damsel in distress and decided to make her a major character.
Complete revised editions (7 volumes )

Old complete editions (22 volumes )

Note: The last volume Souvenirs de futurs covers the highlights. So the official ending is infact revealed in volume 21 L'ouvre temps.
Valerian interpreted by Manu Larcenet: The Armour of Jakolass

Whilst there is no sign of reprising the series by the original creators nor by other writers, some comics artists have obtained permission to revisit Valerian's universe and its characters on one condition: the adaptation must respect the original style and not seek to become a mere spin-off.
The animation: Time Jam - Valerian & Laureline

The animation was a collaboration between a Japanese and a French studio which aired in 2007 with 40 episodes comprised of 23 minutes each. We can observe the typical Japanese anime chara design which was probably chosen for its popularity amongst the French youth. One cannot fail to notice that manga culture earns more of a following in France nowadays than the Franco-Belgian BD. This version differs from the original comicbook series in several areas. Valerian for example is from the year 2417 instead of 2720 and meets Laureline in the year 912 instead of 1000. These encounters and the fact that he takes her with him causes Earth to disappear. Coupled with the fact that they may be the last of their species in the universe, they begin to explore the unchartered territories of space and in doing so find their home planet after uncovering a time portal.
Notes : Even if the plot is altered, many things remain faithful to the original series such as the characters and some elements of the storylines.
The film: Valerian and a City of Thousand Planets
UK Release date : August 4th
Of course nearly everyone is familiar with the filmography of the notable Luc Besson. On this latest project, he draws on his vision and knowledge to adapt a classical space opera which incientally inspired many of his earlier sci-fi works. The visual effects are highly immersive and plundge us deeply into the comicbook's universe. We can see obvious parallels with the Fifth Element and films such as Avatar, but will it surpass those worlds? In any event, it will be a must see. The film freely adapts the 6th volume Ambassador of the Shadows.
The year is 2740, the huge metropolis of Alpha welcomes 8000 different species from a thousand planets. This diversity which encapsulates 17 million beings will lead to shared knowledge, technologies and power. Special agents Valerian & Laureline must hurry however to identify a very ominous threat that not only casts its shadow on Alpha but on the entire universe.

Dane DeHaan as Valerian
Cara Delevingne as Laureline
The first fourteen volumes in English are available to read online for free via culturethèque
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