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Learning French? Try our bandes dessinées.

Have you explored our collection of comic books? If you’re looking to improve your French, these bandes dessinées may be the answer.

Culturethѐque has a collection of over 500 comics stored online. These include children’s comics, editions for teenagers, as well as a large collection for adults. Whether you enjoy fantasy, historical fiction, humour or even political texts, you’re bound to find something that takes your interest.

Why read bandes dessinées?

With stunning illustrations, as well as bold and bright colours, it’s easy to stay motivated. You’ll soon be turning page after page. With a bande dessinée, language learning becomes a pleasure – not a chore. Moreover, you can often associate unfamiliar vocabularly with images surrounding it. A reader might guess ‘un singe’ is a monkey if the cartoon is set within a rainforest. So you don’t have to reach for a dictionary to explain every new word you encounter. C’est facile!

Comic books also educate in the art of everyday language. Here, we’re talking about slang, idioms and other conversational structures. The semantic choices you won’t find in Voltaire or Descartes but are likely to hear on the street. So if you’re planning to talk to natives, bandes dessinées are a wonderful preparation.

Which bandes dessinées do you recommend?

To spark your imagination, here are three of our current favourite comics – all free to read on Culturethѐque.


This biographical comic recounts the struggle of Christophe André, a charity worker who was kidnapped and taken hostage in Eastern Europe in 1997. The author, Guy Delisle, provides a graphic glimpse into the mind of this hostage – who remained captive for 111 days. Based on true events, you’ll soon become emotionally invested in the plotline as Christophe plans his escape.


Another true story, Une Jeunesse Syrienne recounts the life of a 14 year old boy, whose father helped bring the Arab Spring revolutions to Syria. Forced to flee to Paris, Haytham must overcome the challenges of learning French and assimilate into European culture. His struggle is documented with striking, vivid illustrations.


This colourful and zany comic is certain to gain the interest of young readers. It’s certainly popular on the continent - now celebrating its 30th anniversery – still retaining its original charm. Follow Cédric as he works himself into all sorts of mischief.

To browse the rest of our collection, head over to the Culturethѐque website.


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