Books of the Night!

At the Book Office, we are very happy to welcome tonight the 'Night of ideas'!
Some of our speakers and guests have published books. Let's show you our 'Books of the Night'!
What's on ?
Launched by the Institut français in 2016, the Night of Ideas is a global project staged simultaneously in Paris, London and worldwide.
The Institut français du Royaume-Uni, the Scientific Department and the Cultural Department of the French Embassy have created a thought-provoking programme of free debates exploring the latest ideas behind issues central to our times. Inspired by the Power to the Imagination slogan of the Paris May 1968 protests, the Night of Ideas invites audiences to an open debate on the new futures unfolding in the cultural, artistic and scientific fields, as well as in our political and philosophical frames of discussion. Crossing French, British and European perspectives, leading experts, artists and researchers will explore the major aspirations of our times, from the prestigious to the unexpected.
All the Night will be broadcasted in live online, follow it on our website.
The bookshop 'La Page', very close to the French institute, will be openned during the 'Night of ideas', if you want to carry on the talks discovering those books!
Our 'books of the Night'!

Karol Beffa
Le Roi qui n'aimait pas la musique, Gallimard Jeunesse, 2017 (with Mathieu Laine, Louis Thomas, Renaud Capuçon, Paul Meyer and Patrick Bruel)

Myriam Boussahba-Bravard
Women in International and Universal Exhibitions, 1876-1937, Routledge, 2017 (with Rebecca Rogers)

Jonathan Cross
The Stravinski Legacy, Cambridge University Press, 2008

Ken Loach

Thomas Pesquet

Timothy Peake

Agnès Poirier

Mathieu Sapin
Campagne présidentielle : six mois dans les coulisses de l'équipe de campagne de François Hollande, Dargaud, 2017

Posy Simmonds

Anaïs Vaugelade
We look forward to seeing him at the French institute!
Don't forget to follow the Book Office's official Twitter account for more literary news!
#NightofIdeas #FrédériqueBedos #KarolBeffa #MyriamBoussahbaBravard #JonathanCross #KenLoach #ThomasPesquet #TimothyPeake #AgnèsPoirier #MathieuSapin #PosySimmons #AnaïsVaugelade #FrenchBooksUK #Fayard #Flammarion #Seuil #GallimardJeunesse #Alma #RoutePublishing #Century #Bloomsbury #Jailu #Dargaud #AndersenPress #LEcoledesloisirs