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News from the VO-VF Festival
News from the VO-VF Festival, our only French festival entirely dedicated to literary translation! This year, 1,500 visitors came to...

"The Book of Pearl", by Timothée de Fombelle
“Do you believe in fairies? If you believe”, like Peter Pan, “clap your hands” and immerge yourself into The Book of Pearl. Even if you...

What you need to know about 2016 French literary prizes
From a French literary perspective, Autumn is probably the most hectic and exciting season! Indeed, prizes announcements follow closely...

"A Woman Loved", by Andreï Makine
Catherine the Great, the most renowned and longest-ruling Empress of Russia, who was also widely seen as a clever politician, an...

"The Hatred of Music", by Pascal Quignard
Pascal Quignard is considered one of the most important names in contemporary French literature. He won the Grand Prix de l’Académie...

A French view of the couple
We have the pleasure of publishing a guest post by Eric Smadja a French author, psychiatrist, couples psychoanalyst and anthropologist,...

"Sorrow of the Earth", by Eric Vuillard
Last Saturday, Julie Longuemare from Foyles selected Sorrow of the Earth. Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull and the Tragedy of Show Business as...

Happy Bookshop Day!
Today is Bookshop Day! To celebrate the first edition of this special event organised by the Booksellers Association of the UK and...

The French in London
The French in London From William the Conqueror to Charles de Gaulle by Isabelle Janvrin & Catherine Rawlinson translated by Emily Read...

Jacques Roubaud in London: Oulipo and the Second World War
This weekend, a series of conference will be held at Senate House on the subject of “Oulipo and the Second World War”.The Oulipo is a...
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