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Love their lines: Women’s March through French Women Books
Whether you go to the Women’s March on Saturday January 21st or not, take some time to read your French sisters! Young Lady Reading,...
The French in London
The French in London From William the Conqueror to Charles de Gaulle by Isabelle Janvrin & Catherine Rawlinson translated by Emily Read...
'La Maison', by Marie Klimis
This Guest Post was written by Marie Klimis, author of La Maison. La Maison – The House, in French – is a new novel by Belgian writer...
A Tribute to Michel Butor
Michel Butor passed away on Wednesday 24 August, aged 89. The Book Office would like to pay tribute to one of the great writers of...
Women in Translation: Writers who should be published in the UK
Continuing our series of posts about French writers for the Women in Translation Month, this time we'll be talking about authors who...
Women In Translation: French writers to look out for in 2016-17
August is this year’s women in translation month, and so it’s the perfect opportunity to showcase the many French women who are excellent...
The Auld Alliance in action: French writers in Edinburgh
Scotland is a country which loves France and which France loves just as much. The Auld Alliance, as its name suggests, is one of, if not...
French women also get their books translated...
This month is is the Women in Translation Month, during which publishers and bookshops draw attention to continuing gender imbalances in...
Timothée de Fombelle in London
Timothée de Fombelle is someone whom the Book Office, along with his publisher Walker Books and his translator Sarah Ardizzone, has had...
Who is Adrien Bosc?
Adrien Bosc was born in Avignon in 1986. He is the founder of Éditions du Sous-Sol and the magazines Desports and Feuilleton. Last...
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