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Who is Maylis de Kerangal?
If fiction in translation is up your street, you must have read (about) Maylis de Karengal. Her epic yet intimate prose, brilliantly...

Out of Africa: Alain Mabanckou’s Lumières
By all accounts, Alain Mabanckou’s inaugural lecture at the Collège de France in March 2016 was thoroughly engaging and intellectually...

The Reader on the 6.27 by Jean Paul Didierlaurent
Hip hip hip... This May, Waterstones' Fitcion Book of the Month is The Reader on the 6.27, written by French best-selling short-story...

Confessions of a Madman by Leïla Sebbar
Today, we'd like to present you a small book containing a powerful story: Confessions of a Madman, by Leïla Sebbar. Published in France...

The Life of Elves by Muriel Barbery
This week, all lights on Muriel Barbery! The bestselling author of The Elegance of the Hedgehog, is back in the UK to present her new...

Translating Didier Anzieu: Lecture & Book launch with Naomi Segal
Next tuesday, on the 10th May, Professor Noami Segal will present her new translation of Didier Anzieu's book The Skin-Ego in the...

'I write, you write, he writes… I read, you read, he reads…'
I write, you write, he writes… I read, you read, he reads… " Talking about ‘littérature engagée’ is out of date! We all have, at some...

Michel Tournier addresses two equally dangerous subjects- fascism and pedophilia- in his ‘Le Roi Des Aulnes’. He comments on history-...

Two French titles to receive PEN Promotes Award!
How exciting! Two French books translated into English feature in this year's PEN Promotes award selection: About My Mother, Tahar Ben...

L'Art de la Simplicité (How to Live More With Less) by Dominique Loreau
It always seems complicated to live simply. Thankfully, with Dominique Loreau’s L’Art de la Simplicité (How to Live More With Less), you...
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