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'Diary of a Body' by Daniel Pennac
The time has come again to dissect this week's book, as chosen by the super-duper team at French Books UK. Who on earth is Daniel Pennac?...

Le Condottière: Georges Perec’s Artistry
It seemed fitting that amid all the furore around the supposed disappearance of the circumflex accent in French, the Reading Group at the...

Michel Houellebecq’s Mapping of French Culture
We kicked off the new year with an absolutely electric session of the Reading Group at the Institut français on Jan 14. Here's the...

Modigliani gets comical
Listen up boys and girls, there's a new exhibition coming to London presented by Salammbo Press. Laurent Seksik and Fabrice Le Hénanff...

Book(s) of the week(s)
So already two of my 2016 resolutions have utterly failed...being on time for dentist appointments and blogging more. But as Nelly...

Sisters are doin' it for themselves
If you've been procrastinating a lot recently (like moi) then you may have come across the debate surrounding Angoulême festival -...

Last Deadline for European Literature Night 2016
The Call for Papers for the European Literature Night 2016 is this Friday 11th of December. The European Literature Night (ELN), the...

Maylis de Kerangal’s Naissance d’un pont: Birth of a literary monument
On Thursday 12 November, I got the chance to lead what turned out to be a most fascinating discussion of Maylis de Kerangal’s...

Why are there so many French literary awards?
Other than the 'Richard and Judy book prize', I was pretty darn ignorant of the literary scene (forgive me!). But then, I hopped over to...

Word up Your French Special Edition: French greetings
A few days ago, the Book Office Team told me about 'Flirting with French', a book about a American man who wants to be French (it's...
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