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Man Booker International Prize 2016 – Marie NDiaye Book of the week
Not one, not two… but three nominees for the French language!!! Yes, three exclamation marks: one for each of our favourite writers...
French Cinema in Close-up: La vie d'un acteur pour moi
If you're feeling self-conscious about your lack of knowledge on French cinema, cease at once! Michaël Abecassis (of the University of...
Win Stuff
The time has come again (yes, I have started with a Last Shadow Puppets reference) to win not one, not five, but three books. Give me a...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Norland Place - 'Mia et le Migou'
The class from Norland Place watched 'Mia et le Migou' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are some oh-so cute...
Interview - Michel Bouvet
Do you know which French graphic artist has accepted to answer our questions? The clue is just below: It’s Michel Bouvet! (And we’re...
Plunge Into The Shadows of Robbery - The Last Panthers
A new series about robbery with a soundtrack by David Bowie? Sounds great! Marseille, South of France, and there has been a heist. It...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Drapers' Academy - 'Au revoir les enfants'
The class from Drapers' Academy watched 'Au revoir les enfants' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Have a look at...
The past is a haunted place in Fred Vargas’s L’Armée furieuse
The theme of this year’s Reading Group at the Institut français ( is Testing translations, but there is a definite...
'Dog Will Have His Day' by Fred Vargas
Who would have thought? I have actually written two consecutive blogs for the 'Book of the Week' (but have utterly failed to start my...
Women in Culture: The Verdict
We pestered our colleagues at the Institut français (y'know, tapped them on the shoulder, followed them around for a couple of days, etc....
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