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REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Michael Faraday School - 'Une vie de chat'
The year 4 class from Michael Faraday school watched 'Une vie de chat' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are...
Wowee! Look at these excellent drawings from Old Palace School created after their visit to the Institut français. #filmreviews...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Norland Place School - 'Le Tableau'
The class from Norland Place School watched 'Le Tableau' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are the most...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Pembridge Hall School - 'La Reine Soleil'
The year 3 class from Pembridge Hall School watched 'La Reine Soleil' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Look at the...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Alec Reed Academy - 'Le chat du rabbin'
Check out the original critics from the Alec Reed Academy about 'Le chat du rabbin'! #filmreviews #SchoolsFilmsandBooksReviews
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Cavendish School - 'Le petit Nicolas'
After the great drawings and reviews we've received from St Nicholas Prep School, here are the no-less fantastic reviews and drawings...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Sussex House School - 'Les enfants de Timpelbach'
The class from Sussex House School watched 'Les enfants de Timpelbach' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Reedham Park School - 'Boule & Bill'
The class from Reedham Park School watched 'Boule & Bill' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are the two most...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from Norland Place School - 'Le Tableau'
The class from Norland Place School watched 'Le tableau' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are the most...
REVIEWS AND DRAWINGS from St Nicholas Prep School - 'Le petit Nicolas'
The year 5 class from St Nicholas Prep School watched 'Le petit Nicolas' at the Institut français and they absolutely loved it! Here are...
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